JNTU-KAKINADA: Data Structures Unit wise Important Questions for ECE 2-1(R13)

The following are the Data Structures Unit wise Important Questions


  1. Define recursion? Explain design methodology and implementation of recursive algorithms.
  2. Write a Recursive program to print Fibonacci series
  3. write a  Recursive program to Solve Towers of Hanoi and explain.
  4. Explain about  Fibonacci search in detail
  5. Explain about binary search and write algorithm for IT.What are the prerequisite for binary search?
  6. Develop an algorithm for binary search. Validate the algorithm with suitable example.
  7. Explain about linear search and with an example trace the algorithm.
  8. Explain insertion algorithm.
  9. State and explain algorithm to perform heap sort.
  10. Trace the quick sort algorithm for the following list of numbers:90,77,60,99,55,88,62
  11. Analyze the complexity of quick sort algorithm.
  12. Write and explain quick sort algorithm. What is its time complexity.
  13. What is sorting? explain about radix sort with an example.
  14. Explain any one external sorting with an example.


  1. Explain the ADT operations for array implementation stack.
  2. Write a program for reversing the list using stack.
  3. Explain infix to post fix conversion using stack with an example.
  4. Write the implementation of queue.
  5. Write about representation queue using array.
  6. State and explain queue operations using arrays.
  7. List the applications of stack and queues.
  8. Explain the priority queue implementation. Write the necessary algorithms.


  1. Sate and exaplin different operations on single linked list.
  2. Design an algorithm to reverse the linked list.Trace your algorithm with an example.
  3. Using linked list, formulate separate routines to create an empty stack and to push an element on to a stack.
  4. Write an algorithm to concatenate two singly linked list.
  5. Write applications of single linked list to represent polynomial expressions.
  6. Write advantage and disadvantages of linked list.
  7. give the advantages and disadvantages of circular and double linked list.    

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