JNTU:KAKINADA- Object Oriented Programming Throw Java Important Questions for External Exams

The following are the most expected question for jntu kakinada oops throw java external examinations. But we are requesting please prepare at least two units completely according to the syllabus.


Difference between object oriented and procedure oriented programming
The Need of OOPs Parading
In way of viewing world explain Agent,responsibilities,messages,object,classes


Explain different data types available in java with examples
What is variable? explain scope and lifetime of variables.
Define array? explain how to create and access array elements.
Constructor and simple program for this
defining class and objects with examples
overloading methods and constructors
string and string buffers       
 Note:- please read second unit definitely because, some part of the first unit question will came from unit 2.

                  This is very simple unit to read and the all question are direct questions. This is also one complementary unit to read for the exams.

what is Inheritance? Explain about Subclass,subtype,sustainability principles.
Explain different forms of Inheritance.
What are the benefits of  inheritance.
Explain super and final uses with example programs.
what is polymorphism? explain with example program.
what is abstraction? why abstract classes are need. explain difference between abstract classes and concurrent classes.


What is package? what are the uses of it? explain types of packages.
How to crate and accessing a package in java with example.
short note on CLASSPATH
what is an interface ? what is the difference between interface and classes.
Example how to achieve multiple inheritance in java with example.
explain extending,implementing interface in java.


What is an exception? explain the five keywords used for exception handling.
explain about multi catch block with example.
what is finally block? explain with an example.
Explain any ten java built in exception and how to create, thrown user defined exceptions.
what is the difference between multi threading and multi tasking.
what is thread? explain thread life cycle.
explain different ways of creating thread in java.
explain thread synchronization in java.


what is the difference between applets and standard alone applications.
what is applet. explain applet  life cycle
explain passing parameters to an applet.
explain applet to applet communication.

 So, The students are requested please prepare well and best of luck for exams. For answers of the above question click here

 If you have any doubts please fee fee to comment below.

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