Here are the jntu kakinada B.Tech 1-1 E-Books for Civil, EEE, Mech, ECE, CSE/IT and you can download them from here at fee of cost.
We all of you know JNTU3U providing valuable information from the last two or three years for Both students and colleges. Here now we turn with another important updates site for all India Results at one place It provides all the examinations notifications, timetables, results, previous question papers, syllabus, exams dates, admit cards, answer keys ext..
Here are the E-Book for B.Tech 1-1 All branches click on the text book name to download it.
English Text Book
- ‘Trail Blazers’ by Orient Black Swan Pvt. Ltd. Publishers download Here
- Text Book : ‘English Essentials’ by Ravindra Publications download Here
Mathematics-I Text Books
1. B.S.GREWAL, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 42nd Edition, Khanna Publishers
2. ERWIN KREYSZIG, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, Wiley-India
3. GREENBERG, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 2nd edition, Pearson edn
4. DEAN G. DUFFY, Advanced engineering mathematics with MATLAB, CRC Press
5. PETER O’NEIL,advanced Engineering Mathematics, Cengage Learning.
Engineering Chemistry Text Books
1. Jain and Jain (Latest Edition), Engineering Chemistry, Dhanpat Rai Publishing company Ltd.
2. N.Y.S.Murthy, V.Anuradha, KRamaRao “A Text Book of Engineering Chemistry”, Maruthi Publications.
3. C.Parameswara Murthy, C.V.Agarwal, Adhra Naidu (2006) Text Book of Engineering Chemistry, B.S.Publications.
4. B.Sivasankar (2010), Engineering Chemistry, McGraw-Hill companies.
5. Ch.Venkata Ramana Reddy and Ramadevi (2013) , Engineering Chemistry, Cengage Learning.
Engineering Mechanics Text Books
1. Engg. Mechanics - S.Timoshenko & D.H.Young., 4th Edn - , Mc Graw Hill publications.
2. Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics 3rd edition, Andrew Pytel and Jaan Kiusalaas; Cengage Learning publishers.
Computer Programming Text Books
1. Problem Solving and Program Design in C, Hanly, Koffman, 7thed, PERSON.
2. Programming in C, Second Edition Pradip Dey and Manas Ghosh, OXFORD Higher Education.
3. Programming in C, A practical approach Ajay Mittal PEARSON.
4. The C programming Language by Dennis Richie and Brian Kernighan.
5. Programming in C, B. L. Juneja, Anith Seth, Cengage Learning.
Environmental Studies Text Books
1. Environmental Studies by R. Rajagopalan, 2nd Edition, 2011, Oxford University Press.
2. A Textbook of Environmental Studies by Shaashi Chawla, TMH, NewDelhi
3. Environmental Studies by P.N. Palanisamy, P. Manikandan, A. Geetha, and K. Manjula Rani; Pearson Education, Chennai
Engineering Physics Text Books
1. Solid state Physics by A.J. Dekker (Mc Millan India Ltd.) .
2. A text book of Engineering Physics by M.N. Avadhanulu & P.G. Kshirasagar (S. Chand publications).
3. Engineering Physics b;y M.R. Srinivasan (New Age international publishers).
Professional Ethics and Human Values Text Books
1. “Engineering Ethics & Human Values” by M.Govindarajan, S.Natarajan and V.S.SenthilKumar-PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd-2009.
2. “Professional Ethics and Morals” by Prof.A.R.Aryasri, Dharanikota Suyodhana-Maruthi Publications.
3. “Professional Ethics and Human Values” by A.Alavudeen, R.Kalil Rahman and M. Jayakumaran- Laxmi Publications
4. “Professional Ethics and Human Values” by Prof. D.R. Kiran.
Note: links are updated soon...........last updated 1.03 PM, 12.07.2015
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