TS PECET-2015 Counseling Notifications

The qualified candidates of TS PECET-2015 desirous of seeking admission into U.G.D.P.Ed., and B.P.Ed., courses for the academic year 2015-16 are informed that the web based counseling process comprising of certificate verification will be conducted as per the schedule given below at the following help line centers

TS PECET-2015 Counseling Starts from 21.07.2015 on words

The candidate should submit the following original documents and also one set of Xerox copies at the time of web counseling for verification. All the original certificates will be verified and the originals will be returned to the candidates. The candidates who got the allotment of seat should submit the originals to the colleges at the time of admissions.

  • TSPECET-2015 Rank card & Hall  Ticket
  • Degree / Intermediate or  its equivalent pass certificate & Memorandum of Marks
  • Memo of SSC  or its equivalent
  • Study Certificate giving  the details of past seven years of study
  • Residence certificate for Preceding 7 years of the qualifying examination i.e., Graduation in
  • respect of candidates who have private study without any institutionalized education
  • Integrated community certificate issued by the competent authority in case of BC/SC/ST candidates
  • Residence certificate of father or mother for a period of 10 years in Telangana excluding the period of their employment outside Telangana from M.R.O in case of Non local candidates
  • Transfer Certificate from the date 01-01-2015.
  • Income Certificate as per the G.O. and rules in force.
  • One set of Xerox copies of all certificates.
  • In case of candidates seeking admission under SC, ST or BC Category, they have to submit an integrated community certificate prescribed by the Government and issued by the revenue authorities in the Government (Vide G.O.Ms.No.58, Social Welfare (J) Dept., Dt: 12-5-1997).
  • Candidates seeking the admission under CAP category should submit a certificate from the concerned Zilla Sianik Welfare officer in the prescribed Proforma, along with original military discharge certificate, Identity card and pension certificate in case of pensioner. In case of children of serving armed forces personnel, they should produce a certificate issued by the commanding officer.
  • Candidates seeking the admission under NCC  category should submit 
  • N.C.C Certificate issued by the appropriate authority. 


1.    Applicants should attend the web based counseling as per the schedule given above.

2.    All the qualified eligible candidates are called for certificate verification and web counseling.

3.    The candidates have to appear for web based counseling at their own expenses with all original certificates.

4.    Candidates who fail to appear for web based counseling will not get any further intimation from the office of the Convener.


After completion of the first phase admissions, if there is any vacancy, the second phase web based counseling will be conducted.

 For official notification and more details download from the below link

TS PECET-2015 Counseling Notifications  Download here

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